Cost-effective, safe and flexible collaborative robots, or cobots, are making automation easier than ever, even for small and mid-sized companies. But while cobots can take on an amazing range of operations, some jobs make more sense to automate than others. That's especially true if your just getting started - and that's why we offer this easy 10-step guide..

Manufacturers are excited about automating their processes and gaining the advantages of increased output, improved product quality, and reduced costs. But as you explore advanced manufacturing technologies, you may find yourself running up against the skills gap. If a shortage of advanced manufacturing workers is slowing your progress, don't despair. Collaborative robots (cobots) are helping bridge the skills gap in manufacturing operations from small and mid-sized companies to huge multinationals.

In this ebook, we'll help you identify and address the concerns of three key stakeholder groups: Engineers and technical staff, Plant managers and operators, Business owners and their VP of operations.

If your a small or mid-sized manufacturer, or are facing the challenges of low-volume, high-mix production, you may be wondering if robots are right for you. But, if you've redesigned yourself to manual production just because you're not a big national manufacturer, then maybe your not asking the right questions. Our short workbook will guide you through the most important considerations of robotics in small and mid-sized manufacturing.